Comments on: The Alcohol Conundrum: Would You Drink Beer Without It? Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Fri, 06 Mar 2015 13:41:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul M Sat, 16 Jul 2011 23:43:28 +0000 As long as it tasted the same, I would still drink it. I love big beers with strong flavor but they have high alcohol and that means I can drink less. I would love good beer without alcohol.

By: Wenchie Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:46:56 +0000 @Angela — My thoughts exactly. The craft beer community is not a bunch of drunks and alcoholics, but we do love and appreciate the effects of alcohol and I don’t think our culture would be so strong or vibrant of celebratory if beer well alcohol-free. And GABF and CBC would be excruciatingly boring and very underwhelming :)

By: Claudia Becks Thu, 23 Jun 2011 10:26:49 +0000 I cannot imagine the day when I’d be sipping beer without alcohol in it.

Alcohol not just adds depth to the drink but also makes the whole process more interesting and adds a new dimension to the way we perceive things around us. Drinking beer without alcohol is as bad as sipping a mocktail or fruit juice! And as the author says and fellow beer-drinkers nod in agreement, beer without alcohol will not give us that magical buzz that we have come to love. People may have different tastes when it comes to consuming alcohol but the tipsy sensation we receive after a week of hard work is nothing short of heaven!

By: Sarah Huska Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:46:14 +0000 For me, a large part of what I love about beer is the history of brewing, the evolution of beer and the development of agriculture based on the desire to make beer. This history exists because humans needed the ability to consume water safely. Since alcohol kills bacteria, even in fairly low quantities, part of what I love about beer is that it was once used to sustain life. I find this concept to be wildly interesting as, today, our society views alcohol as a drug, poison or evil. Now, I don’t disagree with these three descriptors when alcohol is consumed in excess amounts, but in moderation (as most TRUE beer lovers insist beer be drunk) the alcohol in beer can have significant health benefits. We, as a civilized people, would not be where we are today had beer not contained alcohol. So, my answer to this question is no, I would probably not drink beer if it was alcohol-free because it would not be the same product…it may not even exist…

By: MissO Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:45:26 +0000 I like the taste of a lot of beers, particularly stouts, but usually limit to one or two because beer gives me a bloaty sensation that I’m not particularly fond of. So from my standpoint, beer may as well be non-alcoholic because I don’t drink enough to really get the full effect of the alcohol (though I’m no teetotaler).

I say yes, because if the taste was hypothetically unchanged it’s still a treat!

By: Angela Arp Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:41:54 +0000 Wow Wenchie… you and I are of the same mindset twice in one month – Crazy ;-)

I agree if it were not alcoholic it would be a rare, calorie laden treat.
Sure I drink beer for the way it tastes, but I also drink it for the way it makes me feel, and the people I meet when I drink craft beer.
Craft beer is craft beer culture, if it didn’t contain alcohol, I don’t think that culture would be as vibrant.

My 2 cents (good social experiment)

By: Shawn Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:04:33 +0000 Would I drink beer if it didn’t contain alcohol? Would you eat chocolate if it didn’t have sugar in it? Sure I would! It wouldn’t be as much fun though!

By: Jon Harrings Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:51:05 +0000 Not only would I drink beer with no alcohol if it tasted just like it does now, I might drink more of it, and during the day. Or even for breakfast.

What if beer didn’t have alcohol, but it did have caffeine? Beer and coffee are very similar. I drink coffee everyday. Swap alcohol for caffeine and I’m sure it would be as popular as ever. But even if you can’t have caffeine or alcohol, good beer is tasty enough to merit regular consumption.
