Comments on: SF Beer Week 2012: Where to Find The Wench Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:41:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Best of 2012 - The People's Choice | BREWPUBLIC - Yeast, Malt, and the Pursuit of Hoppiness Fri, 28 Dec 2012 05:53:40 +0000 [...] out with beer industry friends, lots of great beer, and lots of awesome food. Other than that, SF Beer Week was a blast – as always – and I had a great time partying at KillerBeerFest [...]

By: Wenchie Wed, 14 Mar 2012 16:47:43 +0000 Jade — I’ll be at Beer Rev tonight! (March 14th)

By: Jade Tue, 13 Mar 2012 19:40:30 +0000 Just stumbled on this….pretty much all I can say is WOW. We have never met but we hang in some of the same places at different times. I have always wanted to meet you and talk with you. This guy has found his 15 minutes of fame, that’s for sure. Your reply and all the following comments were on the mark. Some people are just asses.
Hoping to meet you someday….probably at Beer Rev!


By: Recent BABB Blog Posts February 17, 2012 | Bay Area Beer Bloggers Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:17:57 +0000 [...] Drink With The Wench: SF Beer Week 2012: Where to Find The Wench [...]

By: Angelo Thu, 16 Feb 2012 23:43:37 +0000 But do you “even know what a hopback is?” That’s the knockout blow.

By: Brian Wed, 15 Feb 2012 17:53:38 +0000 Unfortunately in the online world we live in today, Josh is considered a winner because we are all talking about him/her/it. Flamers and Trolls comment on posts just to get a rise out of people when in turn they are the people no one talks to in the first place, and frankly, no one wants to talk to them. He belongs on Beer Advocate forums and nothing too social, like actual verbal discussions or commenting on blogs.

I say to Josh, good on you man, for promoting the stereotype of the 2011-2012 forum troll and bashing a well credited and much respected woman of craft beer.

To Ashely, as a blogger on the east coast I can easily debunk any of “Josh’s” bashings toward you. We all have haters and while you, me and beer bloggers alike are promoting community, some people perceive it as selfishness I guess. We don’t have time to stop for haters. Let them be heard, respond once, and let your dedicated readers do the rest.

Cheers and have fun this week!
Seacoast Beverage Lab

By: Wenchie Wed, 15 Feb 2012 17:25:07 +0000 Wow Duke… thanks :) I love you :)

By: Duke Geren Wed, 15 Feb 2012 08:54:15 +0000 Josh,

You missed your mark by a mile. If you’re going to pull the trigger, make sure you know what you are shooting at.

Since you choose not to list your credentials, here are mine. I am a beer geek/nerd/enthusiast, home brewer, home brew shop employee and most recently commercial brewer. I refuse to claim that I know everything (although I can spell please and know the difference between to and two), I am always learning, and I listen before I speak.

I have had the extreme pleasure to get to know Ashley personally over the last year or so, and in that time, I have learned a lot from her. She is incredibly passionate about the craft beer community and looks for every opportunity to learn more from any one she can. She is an incredible advocate for the craft beer industry and looks for every chance she can to help the community grow.

She gets to know people in the business, and I don’t just mean by association, or at events. She gets to KNOW people. Who they are, what they are about, what makes them tick, and she pushes that knowledge out to the masses so they can get to know them as well. If she gushes about Pliny, you can be damn sure that she has probably had a lengthy conversation with Vinnie Cilurzo about that beer. Or any other beer and brewer she is fond of.

I have never known her to speak disparagingly about others in the community, even if she doesn’t agree with their opinions. She takes the broader view. She is well respected in the craft beer community for her efforts and passion. I have never once heard anyone speak disparagingly of her. Not once. People seek her out for her opinions and view points. That is pretty rare.

She has the skills to pay the bills. She has worked in way more facets of the craft beer industry (which she elucidated on), and even the wine industry, than I can ever hope to touch. Yet she does not flaunt this experience or brag about herself. If there is something she can not speak to intelligently, you can bet she will be on the phone/e-mail/text message with someone who does in short order to learn what she does not know. If in a conversation, she can share something with you that you may not know, she does so willingly and with a passion to share her experience. It’s never condescending or lecturing, she just wants to share.

In the end, she does not need me to defend her. She is quite a capable lady in this regard. Tougher than many men I know. Regardless, I throw this out there, because like a great many people in the craft beer community, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for her as well as for what she does for this community because she truly loves it.

There is a sci-fi/fantasy book by Joel Rosenberg I read many, many years ago. In it, there is a character, Walter Slovotsky, who has a great many proverbs that he slings about. The one that has stuck with me two decades later goes something like this:

“When you know not where of you speak, your mouth is best used for chewing.”

Good advice in your case I think.


Duke Geren

By: Trevor Thurston Wed, 15 Feb 2012 07:06:55 +0000 Great job Ashley. Effin’ Clown Shoes!

By: Rabidbarfly Wed, 15 Feb 2012 07:01:41 +0000 Foolish Josh. I’d like to think he’s learned his lesson but he probably won’t ever, Pity though because more people are talking about him than SF beer week, which I WISH I could get to! Ah well have to wait until GABF!

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