Comments on: Craft vs. Crafty: A Statement from the Brewers Association Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Fri, 06 Mar 2015 13:41:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gene Clanton Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:31:37 +0000 Have tried Jack Daniels beer yet?

By: Pete Dunlop Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:39:05 +0000 I was thinking of upgrading. Maybe something from Pyramid. Yeah, that's the ticket. Ummm, someone recently told me the BA gets the bulk of its revenue from the large craft brewers…like Sam. Where do they draw the line? Changing the rules all the time is no way to roll. Oh well…back to my Bud Platinum.

By: Angelo M De Ieso II Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:32:36 +0000 Pete I thought you were a Bud Platinum guy and that Beervana Buzz was founded around your adoration of this divine lager beer. No? Well, you can always upgrade to Samuel Adams (defined by BA as a "craft brewery") and their Sam Adams Light. Cheers!

By: Pete Dunlop Thu, 13 Dec 2012 20:09:39 +0000 I believe the correct number with respect to the CBA is around 33%. As far as what constitutes a "craft" brewery, we both know the BA has routinely adjusted the numbers upward to accommodate some of the larger regional craft breweries.

By: Angelo M De Ieso II Thu, 13 Dec 2012 19:40:15 +0000 I think it is fair to ask for breweries and beers to inform the masses who really owns the product. Even Widmer under the umbrella of Craft Beer Alliance should tell the world straight up that their beer is 42% (I believe) owned by A-B InBev. That being said, just because a brewery is owned by a major powerhouse purveyor of macro, doesn't mean that the final presentation itself can not be classified as "craft." The BA has a LOT of power in determining what is and is not "craft beer." And though they are a powerful resource and guideline creator of what is and isn't craft, they are not, at least for me, the word of God on the subject. Cheers!
