Drink With The Wench » beer bloggers conference http://drinkwiththewench.com Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Tue, 16 Nov 2010 21:58:17 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.0.1 UPDATED 2010 Beer Bloggers Conference Confirmed Attendee List http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4834 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4834#comments Sat, 30 Oct 2010 18:16:46 +0000 Wenchie http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4834

Everyone keeps asking me if there is a list of attendees for the Inaugural Beer Bloggers Conference. The event organizers have given me the go-ahead to post the list of current registries. Note: this list is continuously updating. For ease of use, the updated bloggers will be highlighted in RED!

Allan Wright – Zephyr Adventures www.ZephyrAdventures.com
Reno Walsh — Zephyr Adventures    www.ZephyrAdventures.com
Ashley Routson — Drink With the Wench    drinkwiththewench.com
Gerard Walen — Road Trips for Beer    www.roadtripsforbeer.com
E.T. Crowe — Wolverine State Brewing Co.    www.wolverinebeer.com
Ryan Conklin — Denver Bartender Examiner    www.examiner.com/x-28228-Denver-Bartender-Examiner
Lucy Saunders — Best of American Beer and Food    www.bestofamericanbeerandfood.com
Peter Kennedy — Simply Beer    www.simplybeer.com
John Holl — The Beer Briefing    www.beernexus.com
Tamre Mullins — Girls’ Pint Out    www.girlspintout.com
Jennifer Litz — Girls’ Pint Out    www.girlspintout.com
Kerry Finsand — Taplister    www.taplister.com
Bob Mack — World Class Beverages    http://worldclassbeverages.wordpress.com/
Anne Fitten Glenn — Brewgasm    www.brewgasm.com
Angelo de Ieso – Brewpublic    www.brewpublic.com
Margaret Lut — Brewpublic    www.brewpublic.com
Sean Inman — Beer Search Party    www.beersearchparty.com
Sanjiv Gajiwala — Blue Ribbon Blog    www.blog.pabstblueribbon.com
Dan Fisher (Dan on Tap) — Life on Tap    www.lifeontap.net
Dale Miskimins — sodakbeer    http://sodakbeer.com
Billy Broas — BillyBrew    http://billybrew.com
PJ Hoberman — Starting a Brewery    www.startingabrewery.wordpress.com
James Marks — Columbus Beer Guys    http://columbusbeerguys.wordpress.com/
Ronnie Crocker — Beer, TX    http://blogs.chron.com/beertx
Carla Gesell-Streeter — Hoperatives    www.hoperatives.com
Tom Streeter — Hoperatives    www.hoperatives.com
Alexis Fritzsche – Ale Babe    www.alebabe.com
Rick Hagerbaumer — Big Foamy Head    www.bigfoamyhead.com
Carlos Swinney — Mendocino Brewing Co.    www.mendobrew.com
Jason Fellon — Beer Cruiser    www.beercruiser.net
Sara Wade – Monarch Beverage    www.monarch-beverage.com
Julia Herz — Craft Beer Muses    www.craftbeer.com
Alison McGee —  From This Pint On    www.fromthispinton.com
Andy Dunfee – Hippo Lane    www.hippolane.org
David Jensen — Beer 47    www.beer47.com
Jennie Chen — MisoHungry    http://misohungrynow.blogspot.com
John Knox — MisoHungry    http://misohungrynow.blogspot.com
J.R. Woolsey — Consultant
Mark Jackson – Simply Beer    www.simplybeer.com
Zach Rosen — Santa Barbara Craft Beer    http://www.examiner.com/x-32901-Santa-Barbara-Craft-Beer-Examiner
Dustin & Libby — Beer 2 Buds http://www.beer2buds.com
Jenn Prosser  – Jenn and Beer    www.jennandbeer.com @jennandbeer
Jonathan Shikes —  Beer Man at Westword Mag    http://blogs.westword.com/cafesociety/beer_man/
Greg Koch  – Stone Brewing    www.stonebrewing.com
Jacob McKean – Stone Brewing    www.stonebrewing.com
Lauren Polinsky  – Durham Craft Beer Examiner    http://www.examiner.com/x-53634-Durham-Craft-Beer-Examiner
Cathy Clark —  Brewtiful www.brewtiful.com
Jim Pavlik —  Central State Asylum www.csasylum.wordpress.com
Jessica Daynor —   Draft Magazine www.draftmag.com
Ryan Ross —   Karl Strauss Brewing Company www.karlstrauss.com
Jay Brooks — Brookston Beer Bulletin www.brookstonbeerbulletin.com
Ian Cowpar — 2 Beer Guys http://www.2beerguys.com
Sean Jansen – 2 Beer Guys http://www.2beerguys.com
Ryan Jansen – Beer Guys http://www.2beerguys.com

Chuck Noll — World Class Beverages Arizona http://az.worldclassbeverages.com/
Jennifer Morrison –  Ales for All http://alesforall.blogspot.com
Willis F Jackson III – Mashtun Technologies www.mashtunbeer.com
Mike Besser — BrewDad www.brewdad.com
Steven Ward — Nova Beer Fly http://novabeerfly.wordpress.com
Doug Brumley — Fledgling Brewer http://www.fledglingbrewer.com/
Tiffany Adamowski – 99 bottles http://www.99bottles.net/blog
Jay Rascoe — Guns and Tacos www.gunsandtacos.com
Kami Marquardt — Great Lakes Brewing www.greatlakesbrewing.com
Lauren Boveington — Great Lakes Brewing www.greatlakesbrewing.com
Dionne Cocktail Diva
Mariah Calagione
— Dogfish Head Craft Brewery www.dogfish.com
Sebbie Buhler — Rogue Ales www.rogue.com

Kyle Freeman — Jenn and Beer www.jennandbeer.com
Michael Bussmann — New Belgium Brewing www.newbelgium.com
Owen McCuen — Ferment Nation www.fermentnation.com
Greg Krsak — KSW Beer www.kswbeer.com
Ilya Feynberg — Damn That’s Good Beer! www.damnthatsgoodbeer.com
Jay Wilson — Brewvana www.brewvana.wordpress.com
Tom Wilmes — Boulder Daily Camera www.dailycamera.com
Nate Fochtman — The Beer Ace www.thebeerace.com
Josie Finsand — Taplister www.taplister.com
Tom Wilmes — Boulder Daily Camera www.dailycamera.com
Ryan Murphy
— The Daily Pint www.dailypint.wordpress.com
Rick Andrews –  Ales from the Crypt http://alesfromthecrypt.blogspot.com
Stephanie Jerzy — Drinks for the House http://drinksforthehouse.blogspot.com
Will Blankenship — Colorado Beer & Food www.cobeerandfood.com
Erik Boles –Beer Tap TV www.beertaptv.com

Eli Shayotovich — Beer Tap TV www.beertaptv.com
Stephen Johnson — New Brew Thursday www.newbrewthursday.com
Patricia Shepherd
Dan Weitz – Boulder Beer www.boulderbeer.com
Sean McNeal – Wayward Productions
Chad Melis — Oskar Blues www.oskarblues.com
Travis Poling — Beer Across Texas http://beeracrosstexas.com

Mark Drudge — Pencil and Spoon http://pencilandspoon.blogspot.com/
Adrienne Rinaldi — BeerSnobChick www.beersnobchick.com
Meghan Storey — CraftBeer.com www.craftbeer.com
Zander Hartung — The Beer Ace www.thebeerace.com
Jeff Bull — He-Brew Men’s Brewing Society www.hebrewbrewing.com
Nancy Maddaloni — Great Brewers www.greatbrewers.com
Reggie Currie — Cheers for Beers www.cheersforbeers.com
Carol Dekkers — Microbrews USA www.microbrewsusa.wordpress.com
Jake Koeneman –  iBrewToo www.ibrewtoo.com
Carla Companion — The Beer Babe www.thebeerbabe.com
Lisa Mallen — Zephyr Adventures www.ZephyrAdventures.com
Wendy Littlefield — Belgian Experts www.belgianexpertsblog.com
Sanjay Reddy –  Not So Professional Beer Blog www.notsoprobeer.com

Julian Green –  MillerCoors www.millercoors.com
Jeff Bowles — Huck Fin’s Beer Buzz http://huckfinsbeerbuzz.com
Renée DeLuca — The Brewer’s Daughter www.brewersdaughter.com/
Dustin Romero — Widmer Brothers Brewing www.widmer.com
Candace Lacy – NC Beer Wench
Hagan Blount — Wandering Foodie http://wanderingfoodie.com
Erik Peterson –  Bull and Bush www.bullandbush.com
Jen Cadmus — Bull and Bush www.bullandbush.com
Mike Laur – Beer Drinkers Guide to Colorado www.beerdrinkersguidetocolorado.com
Danielle Quatrochi — New Planet Beer www.newplanetbeer.com


And then there is my ongoing Twitter list. I will do my best to update this list as much as possible. If you are registered and would like to have your name added to the list, leave a comment on this post and I will get you on it ASAP.

Twitter list to follow: TWITTER LIST


http://drinkwiththewench.com/?feed=rss2&p=4834 29
Featured Beer Bloggers: GREG KRSAK + MATT SNYDER http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5055 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5055#comments Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:55:58 +0000 The Beer Wench http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5055


The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!



Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Greg Krsak / Matt Snyder
Internet nickname: Our Xbox Live gamertags are “Platypus Friend” (Greg) and “Snydiggity” (Matt)
Name of blog: kswbeer.com
Current location:
Matt: Portland, OR
Greg: Lake Oswego, OR


Background “Snapshot”

1.        Where did you grow up?

Matt: Eugene, OR.

Greg: I grew up in three different stages, I think. I was raised in the Mercer Island, WA area, with just enough of both parents to get a solid handle on life ethics. Eventually, I joined the Navy and grew up a little bit more, in a few different areas. I’ve finally settled in the Portland, OR area and think that truly “growing up” is always just out of reach. Growing up is understanding that there will always be people wiser than yourself, at any point in your life.

2.       What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

Matt: High school & College Swimming; Ultimate Frisbee. Living in Portland I’ve played in the Kick Ball league a few times.

Greg: I’m a high school dropout, and have my GED. Growing up, my “sport” was basically sitting around and taking recess in the library, reading books on computer programming and getting excited when I had the chance to get on one of the school computers. For a few years in middle school, I was the nerdy JV wrestler who didn’t understand the proper athletic mindset and wasn’t very good.

3.       How old were you when you had your first beer?

Matt: 21. :)

Greg: I actually waited until I was 21 to start drinking; although, my Dad did let me taste a few “Beer” beers and a sip or two of Rainier.

4.       If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

Matt: At a frat party, as a guest, and there was free Keystone light. I didn’t even like it back then, but drank some to be social.

Greg: It was a quest for the beer that tasted the least like beer. I turned 21 while I was stationed at the submarine base in Kings Bay, GA and fortunately, was not out to sea on the day of my birthday. I ran over to the mini mart they had there and found a six pack of Bud Light Ice, which I assumed did not have much flavor; I started drinking that with chips and salsa, in my barracks room. Those were some good memories.

5.       Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

Matt: Linfield College in McMinnville, OR. And I stumbled into becoming an Accounting Major. As far as activities went I was on the Men’s Swimming Team and was in the Ultimate Frisbee Club. My college roommate also ran the student activity center so there were a lot of trips to go skiing, rock climbing, swing dancing, etc. To pick up a little cash I had a few jobs in college, but mostly lifeguarded at the pool.

Greg: I actually never went to college. I worked with ballistic missiles, on Trident submarines. It all sounds cool, until the realization sets in that you’re going to be staring at a launch console all day that you can’t really touch; there was no reading, or doing anything fun for six hours out of an eighteen hour watch rotation. There were interesting parts, though; I got to do a lot of targeting and some computer work, and a little bit of missile maintenance (Seeing a nuclear bomb for the first time was pretty cool). For me, the Navy was my college. It was my opportunity to leave home and explore the world, but still have my supportive family in close contact every once in a while. I think, compared to college, the Navy probably has advantages and disadvantages in preparing you for “real life”, but it all averages-out in the end. If you’re passionate enough and certain enough about your career choice and you have the right social skills, you may discover that the military is an equivalent option.


Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

1.        What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

Matt: I had been brewing with a friend for a few years then he moved to Denver and took all of our mutually purchased brewing equipment. (The jerk, and I don’t even think he’s brewed since). At the same time Greg said he wanted to start brewing. Our first batch (an Old Ale) turned out pretty good, and Greg entered it into the State Fair, (when it was still legal in Oregon), and we won second place in our category! I had been brewing for a few years but it was the first independent acknowledgement that our homebrew wasn’t that bad. It was a great feeling.

Greg: Alaskan Amber, at the bowling alley, on base. I remember how dark I though it was, and that it was a relatively bold step up in my beer experiences. A couple of years later, my submarine got transferred to the west coast and I had the chance to visit my first brewpub, which was this little place called “Silver City Brewery” in Silverdale, WA. At the time, they had a beer called Fat Bastard which I though was pretty intense, and therefore good; although, I can’t remember what it tasted like anymore. After I finished my final patrol, left the Navy and moved to Portland, I went to Rock Bottom’s brewpub and slipped few more notches toward beer geekiness. I still didn’t understand what any of their beer styles were, or what the difference between a lager and an ale was, but I kept coming back and it was really the gateway for me into the craft beer scene.

2.      Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

Greg: I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of them, but the Northwest has this company called McMenamins that opens up large and small pubs and brewpubs in different, unique buildings and locations. They have a lot of creepy paintings and artwork everywhere and I always thought that was a little weird, but they are very popular and their beers have had a notable influence on me. McMenamins Ruby Ale is one of the most under-appreciated beers that I’ve ever tasted, and is always near the top of my short list of favorite beers.


Beer Blog Background

1.        How long have you been writing your beer blog?

Matt: 9 or 10 months.

Greg: Yeah, it’s been pretty fun. What do you folks out there think?

2.       What inspired you to start writing your blog?

Matt: Greg bought the URL address and started typing.

Greg: Well, It was all about the mediocre answers to all the questions I’ve had over the years. You can literally find the same, cut and pasted answer on multiple sites for the same stupid question. All I want to know is a “real person” answer to what Centennial hops are bringing to the flavor table… and why can’t anyone give me an answer that isn’t “It’s a supercharged version of Cascade”? With a lack of formal schooling, you have a heavy reliance on self-education in your life, but the Internet has been seriously letting me down for the first time, at least when it comes to really learning some of the details about beer. Frustration and disappointment are powerful motivators, and I’d like to think that I’m putting that to good use by putting some good info out there.

3.       Why did you choose the name of your blog?

Matt: I had a marketing class while getting my MBA and I needed a name for our brewery. We thought of Krsaksnyderweizen one afternoon then shortened it to KSW and it just stuck.

Greg: It was a play on both of our last names: “Krsaksnyderweizen”, pronounced properly with a thick, German accent and lots of exclamation marks (Ker-sak-schneider-visen!!). We thought it was a funny, beer-sounding name.

Matt: We may have been drinking at the time.

4.       What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

Matt: Teach a little, entertain a little. I think people get more out of the micro brew experience with a little knowledge.

Greg: For sure. I’m on Google Analytics every day, and I always am humbled by a +1 to the site visit count.

5.        What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

Matt: There has only been ridicule and scorn to date.

Greg: Being interviewed by you is actually the coolest thing that’s ever happened to us!

6.       What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

Matt: The beer calculators for home brewing. http://beercalculus.hopville.com/recipe and http://www.beermath.com


Beer Talk

1.        What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

Matt: That’s like asking “What’s your favorite movie genre?”; it depends on what I’m in the mood for. But I’m always in the mood for an English IPA, American Pale Ale or a Dunkelweizen.

Greg: Imperial IPA (Stone Ruination), Saison (Boulevard Saison Brett), and Standard American Lager (Pabst Blue Ribbon).

2.       What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Matt: I haven’t been on too many brewery tours but: Ninkasi Brewing in Eugene, OR; Rogue Ales, Newport, OR; New Belgium Brewing, Fort Collins, CO… All have a great feel to them.

Greg: Deschutes, Stone, and Vertigo. Goose Island, Dogfish Head, Caldera and Harviestoun get an Honorable Mention.

3.       If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

Matt: I really like the green/sustainability initiative and story that New Belgium has, but I would have to pick Rogue for “corporate culture” plus I like their beers a little better and they’re more local. In one of Rogues job postings it said, “we don’t have an HR department and we don’t accept bull sh** from our employees” (only slightly paraphrasing).

Greg: It would probably be Vertigo. I’ve met both Mikes on a couple occasions, and they’re stand-up guys. I really wish both of them the best, and I admire their story and their dedication to brewing. They haven’t forgotten what it’s like to be normal beer drinkers and good friends, even if they don’t know you very well. They brew consistent beer with humble equipment, and it’s becoming pretty popular. Keep an eye out for the name.

4.       Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

Matt: Of course.

Greg: I don’t usually mention that to people who I don’t already know are interested in homebrewing. Some of the more objective aspects to brewing I prefer to keep separate from my drinking life.

5.        Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?

Greg: We’ll get back to you on that in two or three years, when the BJCP actually has room in a Portland or Seattle testing location. Matt and I have gotten some pretty lame scores from BJCP-certified judges on beers that we and our friends really liked a lot. So we think beer should truly be drank and judged by everyday consumers, and sometimes (but not always) focusing on the certification process gets in the way of being an everyday consumer. We think we understand beer well-enough to make it and review it the right way, and we try to minimize excessive formality.

6.       What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

Greg: Lots of beers go with lots of foods. For me, I usually think: “What do I remember not going well with this, last time?” …One example of that is IPA and bleu cheese, in my opinion. It’s just that the reality of beer and food is so situational for me, and I think for a lot of people if they really thought about it. If you asked me “What’s your favorite event, friend, beer, glassware, room, smell and bank account balance?” then I may be able to give you a spot-on answer. To be considerate and answer your question, though, I do really like Foster’s Lager and Top Sirloin. But the reason for that is mainly due to happy memories associated with the experiences I’ve had at Outback Steakhouse.

Matt: I don’t pair food and beer. There is only beer.


The Personal Side

1.        What is your current day job?

Matt: I’m in the dangerous and sexy field of accounting.

Greg: I’m doing contract work for Intel right now. I work in their LAN Access Division, and do a lot of playing around with network cards and prerelease server hardware. I really enjoy my job, but a more detailed description would probably flunk me from this interview.

2.       If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

Matt: Professional kite boarding instructor. It’s something I’ve wanted to try and it looks like a lot of fun.

Greg: I’d marry my girlfriend, have kids and be a stay-at-home, full-time Dad.

3.       Are you married? Children?

Matt: No and no – I’ve been told that I will live in righteous loneliness the rest of my life.

4.      Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Matt: I still play a little Ultimate Frisbee, I try to run every now and then. The latest thing I’m (we’re) trying is building a homemade keg-o-rator. I’m also optimistic about getting my golf game into the double digits.

Greg: I write computer programs, tinker with electronics and microcontrollers, and generally learn new things. In the winter, I’m pretty into snowboarding; I ride Mt. Hood as often as I can.


Off The Beaten Path

1.        If you were a style of beer, what style would you be and why?

Matt: Dry Stout (like a Guinness Extra Stout): Dry humor and a bittersweet finish sounds like me.

Greg: My girlfriend likes Fruit Lambics, so…

2.       You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

Greg: I’d brew a Willamette-Citra Double IPA, then I’d leave it for the executioners to finish, and that would be my final revenge. It might even kill him.

Matt: I would ask for a PBR <wink>. Then the executioner, who is actually our 3rd brewing buddy, MacGyver, would have made a flash-bang grenade out of the can. Using the grenade as a distraction to get out of the execution room we would all escape when our friends from the ‘A-Team’ land their riding lawnmower-turned-helicopter on the roof where there’s a lot of shooting but no one gets hurt.  We would escape and survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a brewing question, if no one else can help, and if you can find us, maybe you can hire Matt & Greg <gunshot sounds and awesome music play>.

3.       If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

Greg: Oh, have you ever had Willamette and Citra in a Double IPA?

Matt: I agree with Greg, it’s very Wench-like.

4.        If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

Matt: I guess the power to have all powers would be cheating, so I would pick telekinesis because it would cover the most ground. I would be able to fly, shoot “mind bullets”; and homebrewing would go a lot faster if I could instantly make water boil. Plus, if Greg and I ever got into a disagreement over what to post on the blog, I could tear him apart atom by atom.

Greg: Everyone’s trust.

Matt: Ohhh, good one, very neo-political.

5.       What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?

Matt: The statute of limitations hasn’t expired on the first so it’s not a good idea to publish in an interview, so the second most crazy thing would be…

Greg: Driving 135 mph on Interstate 90, and then pulling out my cell phone to take a picture of the speedometer.

4.      What are your thoughts on bacon?

Matt: As an actor Kevin Bacon’s talent was not sufficiently recognized by the Academy for his work in Tremors.

Greg: There it is.



http://drinkwiththewench.com/?feed=rss2&p=5055 0
Featured Beer Blogger: JENN PROSSER http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5002 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5002#comments Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:35:41 +0000 Wenchie http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=5002


The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!



Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Jenn Prosser
Twitter handle: @jennandbeer
Name of blog: Jenn and Beer
Current location: Denver, CO

Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Denver. I’m one of those proud-to-be-native Colorado types.

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

I swam, played soccer and softball, horseback rode (that sounds odd in the past tense), snowboarded and skied. I sucked at team sports, though.

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?

I have much older brothers, so my first sip of beer was when I was a kid — family gathering “ooh, what’s this” type experience, you know… My first real beer was when I was 15.

4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

My first beer wasn’t that interesting, but one of my first was during the summer I turned 16. My parents took my brother Timothy and me to Ireland for a two week road trip. Timothy, again, is much older than I and was beyond excited to introduce me to Guinness, which is his favorite beer. One of the first stops on our trip was St. James Gate, the home of Guinness. I looked too young for them to serve me my own beer, but my mam shared her pint with me. A pretty great experience for a teen.

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

I did a year at Boston University, but all I really took from that experience was a hatred for their rivals (Boston College) and a passive love for the Red Sox. After that I returned to Ireland for college. I studied journalism at Dublin City University. I played Ultimate Frisbee at DCU, but, again, I suck at team sports. My other big activity during college was a lot of traveling — if you’re going to live in Europe for four years, you might as well take advantage of the really cheap flights to nearby countries.

Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

1. What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

Usually, I refer to this story as how I lost my beer-virginity, but I suppose “craft beer epiphany” is a bit more appropriate. Being a proud Coloradan, I was well aware of how great our beer scene was, and expected to indulge in it once I turned 21. The beer available in Ireland is, well, really boring and not that good. I assumed that there were beers out there that I would like, but hadn’t really found them.

The winter I was 19, my boyfriend at the time had just turned 21. We went up to the mountains for a weekend with my parents and they said they’d buy him some beer to bring with us. He requested New Belgium’s Sunshine Wheat. My parents let me have a bottle or two of it over the weekend and I really loved it. I didn’t think beer could be that good.

Since then, my beer palate has improved quite a bit and I find Sunshine to be rather…well, tame, I guess, but it will always have a special place in my heart since that’s the beer that taught me that I liked beer.

2. Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

Once I hit 21, I decided that every time I returned to Ireland I would bring back two six packs from different Colorado breweries. My Irish friends would look at me like I was crazy and refer to them as “those weird beers”. I didn’t like a lot of them, they were a little too complex for my younger tastes, but it helped grow my appreciation for the Colorado craft beer scene. As soon as I moved back home, I was ready to try as many new and different beers as I could find.

Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing your beer blog?

A little over six months now.

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

I’ve always been a writer. I love writing and I feel lost when I don’t have an outlet for it. Last year my job didn’t involve any writing and I really missed it. I was trying to come up with something that would keep me writing on a regular basis. Lots of people offered me good suggestions, but I knew I wouldn’t commit to any of them. Then, one night I was having dinner at Breckenridge Brewery before the Nuggets/Cavs game (Nuggets won, by the way), my friends suggested I start a beer blog. I knew that my love and interest in beer would motivate me to stick with it.

3. Why did you chose the name of your blog?

The same friend who suggested I start the blog suggested the name. My mind was somewhat set on that, so I stuck with it.
What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

I’d love for it to become my profession, but I know that’s a long shot. The opportunity to write books about beer, especially beer travel books, really appeals to me. When I started the blog I had this dream of becoming the beer version of Bill Bryson, but, again, I know that’s a long shot.

4. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

Anytime I realize that someone is reading my blog, I’m happy. I’ve had beer distributors and breweries contact me. Back in March I had the opportunity to interview the master brewer of Guinness, which was really exciting for a two month old blog. Though I think the best experience I had was when I met someone who knew me through my blog.

My boyfriend, Kyle, and I were at our friends’ party in the mountains. I didn’t know anyone, so I started talking to some woman who had a dog. I mentioned my beer blog and her eyes lit up and she nearly shouted, “Are you Jenn and Beer?” She had apparently found my blog through Twitter a few months back and had been reading it ever since.

The beer blog has also changed my friends’ perception of my love of beer. People now know that if they need to get me something, beer-related gifts are always a good idea. Last week, for my birthday, one of my friends made me the best cake ever.

5. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

Hmm, so many have been covered by the previous bloggers, that I’m going to try to bring up some new ones.

  • Road Trips For Beer: Because the only thing better than drinking beer is traveling to drink beer. Plus Gerard is a hell of a guy.
  • Yesterday, while reading through some of the other profiles, I found Thousand Beer Year. I love his style of writing. And a beer blogger that loves basketball? Nothing beats that. I wish I had come up with the idea of pairing beers to basketball players.
  • I also love Jonathan Shikes’s Colorado Beer Man online column in the Westword. The Westword is Denver’s “alternative weekly” and I grew up reading it. Jonathan takes their fun style of writing and applies it to random stories about beer, so it’s always an entertaining read.
  • Sneaking in a fourth, a blog I love but isn’t really active anymore is Denversixshooter.com. It’s run by a guy who also writes for this “hipster-elitist” blog called Donnybrook. Six shooter used to feature a weekly story of someone going out on a six-bar pub crawl having one drink at each bar, with some theme that ties all the bars together. The writing style was terrific and always had a few fun stories about the crazy things that happen towards the end of a drunken night.

Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

My current summer beer obsession is Belgian-style IPAs — they’re light enough that they’re refreshing in the heat but still have enough flavor and body that they’re interesting. I also really enjoy interesting stouts, such as coffee stouts or chili stouts. There’s a brewery outside Denver that has a javapeno stout, I first tried it a few months ago and I still can’t stop thinking about it. Not knowing what to say for my third, Kyle suggested that I say that “it changes like the weather, which is very often here.”

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Great Divide’s tap room is my home away from home. I love their beers, I love their staff, I love them. Fremont brewing in Seattle is also fantastic. I’ll reserve the spot of my third favorite brewery for the one I haven’t found yet.

3. If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

Great Divide. See above. They’re a great brewery and I think they epitomise a lot of what Denver’s about. Plus they make a point of supporting Denver businesses and other Denver-related causes.

4. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

Not yet. I keep meaning to start, but haven’t actually gotten around to it. Someday soon… someday soon…

5. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?


6. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

Great Divide does this amazing beer and cheese pairing every month. I didn’t fully appreciate the value of pairing beer with food until I went to one of those. I *really* love cheese and seeing how well it compliments some of my favorite beers… it was like a personal heaven for me.

The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?

I’m currently trying to make it as a writer, so the beer blog is more or less my “day job”.

2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

I’m not entirely sure, which is part of my current lack-of-direction. I’d love to do some sort of marketing or writing for a brewery. I love helping people learn about new beers and watching someone enjoy a beer I’ve suggested they try. If I could turn that into some kind of career, complete with an opportunity to write, I’d be happy.

3. Are you married? Children?

Nope, the boyfriend and dog are enough for me right now.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Kyle and I are slightly obsessed with the local music scene. We average 2-3 shows a week and tend to get mocked by our musician friends for going to more shows than anyone. (Anyone interested in catching a small scale concert while in town for the conference, let me know. There’s bound to be something good on.)

I also spend a lot of time messing around with my dog, taking her on bike rides and hikes. In the winter my time’s dedicated to the Denver Nuggets — I go to as many games as I can and watch any of the ones I can’t attend.

Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be and why?

Not knowing what to say for this question, I asked Kyle. He said, “A Belgian white. Fun and easygoing, but with some depth and subtle-ness… something you could relax with on a hot day, but could contemplate the intricacies if you wanted.” (He’s going to give me grief when he finds out I wrote that verbatim.) Also, I’m pale and blond so a Belgian white would reflect my appearance somewhat accurately.
You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer.

2. What beer would you chose and why?

I’m tempted to follow in the footsteps of other bloggers who have suggest beers like Nuclear Penguin. But I think I’d rather go out in style.

Years ago, Kurt Vonnegut teamed up with the folks at the Wynkoop brewery and made a beer based on a recipe of Vonnegut’s grandfather. If I could have any beer, it’d be that one, and right before execution seems like a good opportunity to request it.

4. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

I’m going to cheat here and say a gueuze. Knowing it’s one of the Wench’s favorites. It’s unique enough that it seems right for her. I might change my mind in November, when I actually meet her, but for now I’ll go with that.

5. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

Teletransportation. Having spent more hours than I would like to count traveling to and from Ireland, I’d really like to be able to snap my fingers and be wherever I wanted. I don’t know what that would do to the jet lag though…
What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?

I’ll probably come up with something I would have rather said here later, but for now I’ll go with this. When I was 12 I swam the Royal Gorge, which any white-water rafter can tell you is some of the most intense rafting in the country. I fell out of our boat while rafting. Our boat capsized on the next rapid and I had to find my way down the Arkansas river through level five and six rapids. Not especially fun, especially at 12.

6. What are your thoughts on bacon?

I didn’t like it even when I wasn’t a vegetarian. But I did get my sister an awesome bacon-related card for her birthday.



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Featured Beer Blogger: MIKE KOPERA http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4971 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4971#comments Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:55:28 +0000 Wenchie http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4971


The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!



Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Mike Kopera
Twitter handle: @thatcaskguy or @podcaskco
Name of blog: Podcask Conditioned
Current location:
Chicago, IL

Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Southwest Suburb of Chicago.  Worth, IL

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

I was and still am a huge hockey fan.  It was a good year for us here in Chicago!  :-)

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?


4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

Oooh, I believe it was Red Dog.  Not good at all.  Our friend’s mom was working late so we drank that nasty stuff and let’s just say it didn’t end well at all.

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

I went to Columbia College here in Chicago.  I commuted from the burbs.  I studied radio.  Which is why I thought the idea of adding the podcast to the website/blog might be a fun idea.  I never liked my voice back then (nor do I think it’s anything special today) but it’s a lot of fun when you can get excited and talk about something you love!

Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

I remember it pretty well, in fact.  I remember I was always a Miller Lite drinker just out of college.  But after I moved into the city with one of my best friends, we got curious and decided to hit our local liquor store, Pellys around the corner to try something different.  First beer I saw that I had never had was a Bell’s Amber.  Brought home a six pack of that and REALLY liked it.  Decided to try another from that brewery.  Bell’s Two Hearted….BAM….hooked on trying all sorts of different beers.  For my next birthday, my roommate bought me a Goose Island Pub Pack.  I said goodbye to the tasteless, clear, yellow water for life shortly after that.

Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing your beer blog?

Only about 3 months now

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

I’ve always wanted a way to be a part of the beer world.  Since I don’t have the start up money or the necessary skills as just a novice home brewer to open my own brewery, I figured this is a good way to get out there.  I’ve been loving it so far!  Then I thought the podcast along with it was a good idea.  But I’ve heard a lot of podcasts out there about reviewing different beers.  So I wanted to do something different.  Travel around to different breweries and encourage people to go out and visit them as well.  So I asked my friend Brad Ferguson to co-host with me. We want people to go out there and spend your money with the smaller local breweries that don’t have the endless budgets for advertising.  Go and try something you’ve never had before.  Explore, experience, meet great people!

3. Why did you choose the name of your blog?

It just kind of fit.  I knew I wanted to add a podcast to my blog so I needed a catchy way to incorporate it with beer.  I love cask conditioned beers so it just came to me.

4. What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

Honestly, for now, it’s just a fun little hobby I have.  I love beer so I want to speak to the world about it.  But I love writing and would love if a dream came true and it turned into an actual paid job.  Some sort of marketing position for a craft brewery would be amazing to me.

5. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

So far, it’s just the amazing people you meet.  The brewers out there.  The people on the internet that have this great community together.  The chance to go to this year’s 1st Beer Bloggers Conference…looking forward to meeting so many of you in November!!

6. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

Obviously, I am always checking the Wench’s site.  But I’m a big audio/visual guy too, so I really enjoy seeing and hearing about beers/breweries as well as reading:

Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

  • American IPA – I’m a huge hop head.  Give me bitter hops.  I want to taste it on the enamel of my teeth.  Couple of my favorites in this category: Bell’s Two Hearted and the Goose Island IPA
  • Belgians – So many variations…the yeasts give you so many different flavors.  Couple of my favorites: Goose Island Sofie (Saison/Farmhouse) & Delirium Tremens (Belgian Strong Pale Ale)
  • Rye Beers – the bitterness on these is a bit more mild, but that lets in some spices and sour characters of the Rye to come through.  A couple of my favorite examples of this style are the Founders Red’s Rye and the Two Brothers Cane & Ebel

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Hmmm….this is hard.  I could answer this based on breweries that I’ve only had some of their beers.  But since my blog/podcast is about personal experience, I’ll go with the favorite breweries I’ve visited. Basing on beers I’ve had plus experience at the brewery.

  • The Livery – Benton Harbor, MI
  • Half Acre – Chicago, IL
  • Three Floyds – Munston, IN

3. If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

It would have to be Dogfish Head.  I love their style, their attitude, hard work ethic, desire to grow at their own pace.  And Sam Caligione is one of my personal heroes.  I’d love to one day sit down and have a beer with that dude.

4. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

Yes.  Not very great though.  I mean, I love all the beers I’ve made.  What’s better than making beer, kegging it, and serving it on tap in your own kitchen??  But I haven’t even stepped up to all grain yet.  So I’m still learning.

5. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?

Not yet.  If I had the money and time, I’d be at Siebel without a doubt.  Plus, I should really start looking into Cicerone as well.

6. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

Oh, that’s kind of easy.  Come to Chicago.  Go to the Hopleaf.  Order the mussels for two:  Belgian-Style: Steamed in Wittekerke white ale w/ sliced shallots, celery, thyme & bayleaf.  To drink, have the Kwak brewed by Bosteels.

The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?

I’m in sales.

2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

As I mentioned before, I’d love to work for a brewery in marketing.  I’d love to promote what they have going on.  Write about it.  Tweet about it.  Facebook.  I’m kind of an internet dork who wants to work where beer constantly flows.  It’s nice to have dreams, right?

3. Are you married? Children?

Nope, and nope.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

I’m a big music buff.  Any style/genre.  I’m a huge concert goer.  Living in Chicago, it’s pretty easy to find a great live show to catch.  And while doing that, you get to drink beer too so I get to combine two of my favorite things!

Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be an why?

Russian Imperial Stout.  Strong and bold, yet with some hidden characteristics you need to sample a few times before really getting to know all that it has to offer.  (Although I’m a pale white boy)

2. You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

I would go with the Founders Red’s Rye.  It’s one of my favorite, hoppy beers.  And the label has sort of a personal side for me.  The old man pictured on the bottle looks WAY too much like one of my grandparents.  It always makes me remember my Grandfather every time I see it.  It’s kind of uncanny.

3. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

Well, I’d maybe go with a Berliner Weisse.  A pale, golden wheat style.  Tart, sour, and very refreshing with very little bitterness.  Perhaps add a bit of fruit characteristics in there.  Maybe some peaches.

4. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

Invisibility, perhaps.  Think of all the free beer!

5. What are your thoughts on bacon?

Bacon comes from a magical animal.  In fact, I believe most everything should have a hint of bacon in it.  Mmmm….now I think I have to go have a smoked beer.



http://drinkwiththewench.com/?feed=rss2&p=4971 0
Chief Blogger Named For First Beer Bloggers Conference http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4793 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4793#comments Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:41:17 +0000 Wenchie http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4793

The cat is out of the bag. Some of you might have figured it out for yourselves, some of you have heard it from me, and some of you may have read the announcement … Either way, I am very honored and excited to reveal that yours truly has been selected as the Chief Blogger of the Inaugural Beer Bloggers Conference that will take place November 7-9th in Boulder, CO.

Now there are some things I need to clear up before describing my involvement in the conference. In no way shape or form does the title Chief Blogger imply that I have been crowned the “best” beer blogger. Oh no, there is no way in H E double hockey sticks that my 2.5 year old blog has earned me such honors. Although I aspire to be like them, I am definitely no Stan, Jay, Stephen or Charlie.

So why have I been deemed Chief Blogger of the Beer Blogger Conference? Well for starters, I have attended the Wine Bloggers Conference, I know its founders, Zephyr Adventures, and I am familiar with their organic process of organization, and their concept of using a collaborative voice to drive the contents and flow of the conference. I also am familiar with the steps leading up to the conference — determining panels, recruiting speakers, nominations for awards, social media promotion for the event, etc…

For the past week or so, the rumor mill has been churning and I have received several calls, emails, texts, DMs and the like about my involvement in the Beer Bloggers Conference. Consider this your official confirmation. It should also be noted, at this time, that I will be attending the Beer Bloggers Conference as both Ashley “The Beer Wench” and Ashley of Mutineer Magazine, one of the event sponsors.

In my opinion, the Beer Bloggers Conference is an excellent opportunity to bring together some of the most passionate craft beer advocates, enthusiasts and evangelists in the world together. The conference is not limited to just experienced bloggers. In fact, newbies are highly encouraged to attend because there will be so much information available to assist in the development of a beer blog.

Personally, I am really excited to be involved in something that will help to promote, strengthen and increase the awareness of the beer blogosphere. In just 6 months, I have learned a lot about over 100 of my fellow beer bloggers through my Featured Beer Blogger Interview series. I have already had the opportunity to meet nearly 100 fellow beer bloggers in my travels all across the U.S., and I really hope to get the opportunity to reconnect with many of them in Boulder.

For all details surrounding the events as well as updates and news releases, check out the official site HERE.

Naturally, I will also be managing the Twitter process for the 2010 Beer Bloggers Conference. We have set up the Twitter account @beerbloggers and I will be Tweeting and Retweeting about the conference. So sign up to follow our updates and please use the hash tag #BBC10 on all your Tweets about the conference!

I also want to give a shout out to the sponsors who have made this event possible:

Boulder Beer Company
Oskar Blues Brewery
Draft Magazine
Mutineer Magazine
Boulder CVB
Colorado Brewers Guild

And if you or anyone you know is interested in sponsoring the Inagural Beer Bloggers Conference, contact Allan at info@beerbloggersconference.org!


Also, for those of you who are curious to know who has confirmed registration, I will begin the compile a list on my site and update it as frequently as I can. I will only post people who want to be posted, so if you don’t see your name on the list, leave me a comment of shoot me a message!


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