Drink With The Wench » the columbus beer wench http://drinkwiththewench.com Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Tue, 16 Nov 2010 21:58:17 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.0.1 Lego Beer Song http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=121 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=121#comments Tue, 13 May 2008 23:45:01 +0000 Wenchie http://thecolumbuswench.wordpress.com/?p=121

This YouTube video is a little off the beaten path for The Beer Wench, yet I found it to be humorous — and after all, it is beer related. Enjoy!

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Celebrate Today With The Wench!!! http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=100 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=100#comments Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:35:34 +0000 Wenchie http://thecolumbuswench.wordpress.com/?p=100



You are all invited “Drink With The Wench” and celebrate legal beer drinking!

WHAT: 75th Anniversary of the Beer and Wine Revenue Act

WHO: The Wench & EVERYONE who A. loves beer B. likes beer C. hates beer but wants to come out

WHERE: Josh’s House, Italian Village (email me for the address)

WHEN: MONDAY. April 7th – start 6pm (Stragglers are free to come whenever).

WHY: In celebration of the re-legalization of beer drinking in the United States.

HOW: Bring your favorite domestic beers to share and taste with the group!

“Drink With The Wench” Background
My ultimate goal for this group is to start up a gathering for fellow beer lovers and hopheads in the Columbus area. The invite is open to anyone and everyone interested in learning about and drinking beer. Ideally, I’d love to meet up with people who are more knowledgeable about beer than I am — and are willing to assist me in my voyage to beer connoisseur land.

I intend on this being a great social forum and conversation starter for beer lovers across all levels of expertise. Even if you do not know me, I still encourage you to come out and play. Everyone that has turned out has had much fun thus far.

There have been lots of new faces meeting me out, as well as some lovely regulars. I’m really enjoying meeting new people and sharing great conversation!

As always, I will be bringing along copies of a tasting sheet I found at Ratebeer.com. It helps serve as a great learning tool and conversation facilitator.

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