Drink With The Wench » hoppress http://drinkwiththewench.com Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Mon, 02 Mar 2015 00:57:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.0.8 Featured Beer Blogger: LISA MORRISON http://drinkwiththewench.com/2011/04/featured-beer-blogger-lisa-morrison/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2011/04/featured-beer-blogger-lisa-morrison/#comments Tue, 05 Apr 2011 19:57:38 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=6454 DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS:

The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!



Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Lisa Michele Morrison
Twitter handle: @Beer_Goddess
Name of blog: beergoddess.com and lisamorrison.hoppress.com
Current location: Portland, Oregon

Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Tulsa, Okla., then we moved to Evergreen Colo., when I was in high school.

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

I was a “Glee” geek.

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?

Sips? A kid from Dad’s Busch cans. I always liked it! First full beer was probably in college. “Back in the day” in Colorado, you could drink “3-2 beer” (3.2 percent ABV) when you were 18! They even had little bars for us 18-20 year olds to hang out in. The one in Fort Collins, where I went to college, was called The Library, which was great because if your parents called, your roommate could say you were at The Library. It worked until my parents found out about The Library. Then, even if I was at the library, they thought I was at The Library.

4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

See above, that’s all I remember!

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo. (Go Rams!) I got a degree in Journalism. I worked all through college, first as the assistant to our professor in Broadcast Journalism, teaching the labs that I had just completed. Then, I got an internship at a local commercial radio station, which turned into a job as their cub reporter, reading the news in the afternoons and covering city council and school board meetings; so I was doing that AND the lab work at school. It didn’t give me a lot of time for extracurricular activities!

Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

1. What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

My first craft beer epiphany was when I was working as a TV reporter in Fort Collins. I got to go cover the opening of a place called Coopersmiths (which was related to Wynkoop, which had already opened in Denver). They gave us tastes of the beers they were making and I thought it was great! I noticed a few other reporters were making “bitter beer” faces (this was a time of macros and the land of Coors Light, remember) but I couldn’t understand why. Of course, my then boyfriend (now husband) and I had been drinking imports and doing the World Beer Tour or whatever they called it at Old Chicago restaurant in town, so I think my palate was more up to the challenge!

2. Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

Here’s another: My (now) husband and I were moving to Portland from Colorado. This was 1989. (Yep! I am that old!) He had already moved here and I was finishing up my job there. He called me one day and was going on and on about this great beer he had at a place called McMenamin’s. Our first day moving in, he took me there. I ordered a beer called a Hammerhead. It was amazing! I knew I was going to love Portland. We spent a lot of time cruising around looking for great beers back then. Oh, wait. We still do!

I have craft beer epiphanies all the time, though. It’s one of the things I love about craft beer. There’s always something new that blows me away. I think the biggest one I had was a few years ago, after I had been writing for awhile and someone called me an “expert.” I don’t consider myself an expert. I consider myself a lifelong craft beer student. Because the one thing I’ve learned is the more I know about beer, the more I realize how little I know.

Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing your beer blog?

Over a year for Hoppress and about the same for beergoddess.com, but I’ve been writing about beer for more than a dozen years. I started with an online twice-monthly column in 1999. That was before there was anything called a blog!

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

I love how it reaches out to so many people.

3. Why did you choose the name of your blog?

Beergoddess is my nickname. Hop Press was assigned by rate beer.

4. What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

Spread the good-beer word — just like everything else I do.

5. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

Actually, the coolest thing that happened to me was when I won the Beer Journalism Award for “electronic media” in 2004. It was the first time the Brewers Association gave out the awards, and I was the first woman to receive one. I also was up there with Stan Hieronymus and Michael Jackson, which was a big honor.

6. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

There is no way I could narrow it down to just three! Plus, they kind of change all the time.

Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

Today? Pilsner, IPA, Flanders-style Red. No, wait. ESB, Cascadian Dark Ale, Saison …

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Besides all my local peeps you mean? Because there is no way I could ever pick out three from my locals! I am going to go for some smaller breweries that might not be as well-known but deserve some attention:

  • Lost Falls Brewing, Colville, Wash. They open their doors to the public only a couple of times a week, and the place becomes THE hangout in town. Folks bring potluck dishes, homemade sausages, cookies, etc. and they just hang out, chat with their neighbors and drink all the delicious beer up and then leave. It’s a hoot.
  • Le Cheval Blanc in Montreal, Canada. It’s a funky, friendly fantastic little place that makes great beer. And my hubby and I had a wonderful time there a few years ago, sipping on one of the most amazing imperial stouts I have ever tasted, talking hockey with the locals and brushing up on our really awful French.
  • NOLA Brewing, New Orleans. I heart New Orleans, but until NOLA showed up, they really didn’t have very good local beer. The Hopitoulas IPA is even bracing enough for this Northwest hophead! Now, I can dance to my favorite music, eat all that wonderful southern food AND have good beer at the same time.

3. If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

I think my efforts are best served working for ALL the great breweries by promoting craft beer. But I might be convinced otherwise if the right offer showed up.

4. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

Yes, but it’s been a while. My favorite beer was one I created after I dreamed about it one night. It was probably a good eight years ago, it was a vanilla bean porter and at the time, I don’t think anybody was doing stuff with vanilla beans. It turned out yummy!

5. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?

Nope, not yet. Sometime soon, I hope!

6. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

Oysters and stout. But ask me again in a few minutes and it will be different.

The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?

I am now full-time Beer Goddess, because I also have a weekly radio show called Beer O’Clock: the show for people who love great beer. It’s on the local airwaves on Newsradio 101 FM and 750 AM as well as being picked up on the Radio Northwest Network by small local stations all across Oregon and into Washington and even down into Northern California. You can listen livestreamed on kxl.com anywhere and also pick up the podcast on kxl.com, beergoddess. com and on iTunes.

That keeps me busy, along with finally finishing my first book, Craft Beers of the Pacific Northwest: A Beer Lover’s Guide to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Now we are working on a book tour!

2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

I’d become a brewer myself. Because I love the creation of beer. I find the balance of science and art fascinating.

3. Are you married?

Yes, Children? Not human ones, but we have a furry child in dog form named Yeti and another one in cat form named Lottie.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Traveling, cooking, hiking, snow-shoeing, hula-hoop dancing.

Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be and why?

Flanders-style Red Ale, because I am kinda sweet, kinda tart and I have red hair.

2. You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

Great Divide Yeti, because I love the beer and my dog is named after it. And I’d take my own sweet time deciding which version I would want, which would bide me time until my stay of execution was signed!

3. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?
Something effervescent, like a saison. Maybe with some pepper for extra zing!

4. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
The ability to make anybody laugh and be happy.

5. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?
I can’t tell you or we would all have to be killed. ;)

6. What are your thoughts on bacon?

It’s an essential food group. But I think my hubby said it best when, on a Meatless Monday, he was trying to convince me to add bacon to whatever it was I was cooking. His argument: “Bacon’s not meat. It’s flavor!”



http://drinkwiththewench.com/2011/04/featured-beer-blogger-lisa-morrison/feed/ 3
Epic Week For The Beer Wench http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/05/epic-week-for-the-beer-wench/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/05/epic-week-for-the-beer-wench/#comments Sat, 22 May 2010 00:53:11 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=4643 In my life, there are good days and there are bad days. There are good weeks and there are really really bad weeks.

This week has completely rocked my world.

Now, this post might sound like shameless self-promotion. Well, probably because it is. But that is besides the point.

All week long, my mug has been all over the Internet.

It all started when Asylum announced its list of nominees for “America’s Next Top Beer” and the revealed its A-Team Beer Experts. As the only female on the panel, I joined the ranks of Jay Jankowski (of the prestigious Map Room in Chicago), Joe Sixpack (Philadelphia Beer Reporter and author of the blog: Joe Sixpack), Marty Wombacher (of the blog: A Guy Walks into 365 Bars), and Matt Simpson (aka The Beer Sommelier).

Calling me an expert, might be a stretch. But regardless, the notion was both humbling and flattering.

Right after the Asylum article was released, my video podcast with The Hop Cast was aired. About a month ago, I visited Chicago for the Craft Brewers Conference — where I was invited by Ken and Brad, the adorable beer vlogging duo of HopCast, to make a guest appearance on the show. You can find my over zealous appearance on EPISODE 97.

Within a few hours of the Hop Cast show going live, The Beer Channel posted an interview that they did with me during the 2010 Boonville Fest. Not gonna lie, I had been drinking since 7:30 am that morning. And it shows. Oh boy.

And then today, PJ Hoberman, my really good friend and fellow Hop Press beer writer, posted a picture of us drinking at the Green Flash Fest during San Diego Beer Week.

All in all, it was really awesome that so many people wanted to feature me this week. It is just further proof that beer people are, indeed, good people. Thank you to all of you who constantly support me in my current work and inspire me to continue on my beer evangelist path! Without you all, The Wench would cease to exist!


http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/05/epic-week-for-the-beer-wench/feed/ 5
Featured Beer Blogger: SEAN NORDQUIST http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-sean-nordquist/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-sean-nordquist/#comments Sat, 09 Jan 2010 11:58:43 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=3028 DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS:

The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!




Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Sean Nordquist
Internet nickname (if applicable): Beer for the Daddy, JediNord, PirateNord
Twitter handle: beerforthedaddy
Name of blog: And Beer for the Daddy
Current location: St. Petersburg, FL

Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Los Angeles, CA

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

Soccer, Ice Hockey, Beach Volleyball, Lacrosse, Martial Arts

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?

I really can’t remember. It was probably something terrible and I stole it.

4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

I grew up in a wine household, so beer was never around except if we went somewhere that had it. I probably stole my first few beers thinking I should like it, but I never did until I was in high school and tasted Guinness for the first time.

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

I attended Sonoma State University from 1990 to 1992 and was involved in music (I sang in the chamber choir), intramural sports (I captained my indoor soccer team), and creative writing as well as playing on the Lacrosse team. I left after 2 years and moved to Florida, then moved to Prescott, Arizona and finished my undergraduate there. While living in Prescott, I was involved in a lot of outdoor activities like rock climbing and backpacking.


Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

1. What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

The door to craft beer opened for me the first time I had a pint of Guinness Stout on draft at a local pub in Rohnert Park. I realized there was so much more that beer had to offer that I had never imagined. I went crazy for beer at that point, trying every micro- and craft beer I could get my hands on… which was a lot.

2. Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

My first visit to a brewery was to the Anchor Brewery and the tasting room opened my craft brew eyes evern further to the wonders of FRESH beer, as well as the amazing things craft brewers are.


Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing AND BEER FOR THE DADDY?

Less than a year.

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

Brian Yaeger’s book “Red, White, and Brew”

3. Why did you chose the name of your blog?

Well you see… The phrase “Beer for the Daddy” might seem like an odd one to some; to others it’s a no-brainer. But the origin – at least in this case – comes from flightless birds, parental responsibility, and the mouths of babes.

In 2005, a documentary film called March of the Penguins was released to critical acclaim, becoming the second-highest grossing documentary film of all time (the first being Fahrenheit 9/11).

It is the story of the emperor penguins of Antarctica, and the difficult conditions they live and survive under. Beautifully filmed and wonderfully narrated by Morgan Freeman (in the American version), viewers are treated to a stunning and moving experience unlike any other.

And as far as this blog goes, none of that matters.

You see, we (my wife and sons and I) rented March of the Penguins later that year and watched it together. We loved it. The story was engaging, the images were brilliant. We got to the part where the male penguins were huddled together protecting the eggs. The females are off on their epic journey to feed and then travel back to regurgitate for their newborn young that the father’s are now caring for.

The narrator says something along the lines of “and the mothers arrive back with the fish for their babies.” Without missing a beat, my youngest son – age 3 at the time – said very matter-of-factly “…and beer for the daddy?”

4. What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

Initially I started Beer for the Daddy because I love beer, and I love writing. It seemed a natural thing to do. Then I realized the potential of building a portfolio of articles that will lend me some credibility as a writer, as well as in the “beer crowd”.

5. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

I have since found that said crowd is an awesome one and am happy to be a part of it!

6. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

Well, I separate the blogs from the sites, sicne I think they fill different niches.

Blog 1: Drink with the Wench – no, not just kissing up, but I genuinely enjoy the style and fun of what Miss Routson does.

Blog 2: Brewed for Thought – Mario has a down to Earth style I enjoy, and he is also a husband and father, which I can relate to.

Blog 3: Beer Odyssey – Brian Yaeger is an old friend and the inspiration for me turning my writing direction to beer. I enjoy his sense of humor and admire his knack for travel and beer-venture.

Site 1: Beer Advocate – My go-to site for beer research.

Site 2: RateBeer – My second go-to site. I just knew about BA first.

Site 3: Cigar City Brewery – The best local brewery in Tampa Bay, and I love their beer.


Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

IPA, Pale Ale, Stout

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Cigar City, Lagunitas, Sierra Nevada

If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why? Well, I would love to work at Cigar City, since it is local, but if I could work for ANY brewery, it would probably be Stone or Anchor. I love all of their beers, and I miss the California coast.

3. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

I have been homebrewing for nearly a decade now. The most interesting I have every brewed is probably my latest batch – and I have no idea how it is going to turn out, but I am excited. It is a porter with rum added to the boil.

4. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?

Not yet…

5. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

A good, crisp pale ale with a light and flaky fish and chips is just heavenly.


The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?

IT Support Manager

2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

Own and operate my own brewery. I would also love to be able to finish my novel.

3. Are you married? Children?

Married 12 years and I have 2 sons.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Reading, music, cooking, and travel.


Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be and why?

A good session-able Pale Ale.

2. You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

Cigar City Humidor Series IPA

3. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

It would have to be something strong and surprising with a serious kick, but with a light and pretty appearance. So maybe something along the lines of Dogfish 120… ;)

4. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?


5. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?

The “Duffield Death Hike” in Joshua Tree many years ago…

6. What are your thoughts on bacon?

Bacon is the follow-up proof that god loves us and she wants us to be happy.



http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-sean-nordquist/feed/ 1
Featured Beer Blogger: MARIO RUBIO http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mario-rubio/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mario-rubio/#comments Fri, 08 Jan 2010 11:32:57 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=2999 DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS:

The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!




Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Mario Rubio
Internet nickname (if applicable): Not official but Fred Abercrombie called me Mario the Brewsario
Twitter handle: Brewed4Thought
Name of blog: Brewed For Thought
Current location: Santa Rosa, CA

Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Seaside, CA (aka the Monterey Penninsula)

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

Baseball, basketball, football

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?

First craft beer, 17

4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

Freshman year of college. Went with my fraternity brothers to Raleigh’s (now Manny’s) in Berkeley. We sat outside in their wonderful beer garden and pitchers of amber liquid were brought out. It was Boont Amber. It blew me away. I was instantly hooked.

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

UC Berkeley, 3 Years of Civil Engineering, 1 year of Chicano Studies. I was a fraternity member (Alpha Sigma Phi) and an avid supporter of Cal athletics but not a participant.


Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

1. What was your first craft beer epiphany? Recall as many details about it as you can:

See above

2. Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

At Rogue Ale House in Eugene about 5 years ago. For some reason everything I had been trying to understand about beer through homebrewing and sampling finally made sense. It was over a pint of Chocolate Stout. That took me from beer enthusiast to full on beer geek.


Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing your beer blog?

October 2007

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

It had been a plan since college with some friends, I finally took the initiative.

3. Why did you chose the name of your blog?

My friends and I started the site. Originally we were going to be the Beer Brothers but after 7 years of not starting a site, the name was taken. A friends wife said Brewed For Thought. It was a winner.

4. What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

Originally the goals were to receive free beer. Mission Accomplished. Now, I hope to somehow make a living.

5. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

Shaking hands with Fritz Maytag.

6. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?


Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

Hoppy, Malty and yeasty.

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

I have no idea. Lagunitas, Russian River and North Coast

3. If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

Moonlight, I think Brian Hunt not only brews amazing beer but also is an inspiration for how a business can/should be run.

4. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

I brew boring styles. I put lemon zest in my Rats in the Attic Pale Ale, maybe my Wonderful Welcome Wheat Porter I brewed for my daughter’s birth. The names are more interesting than the beers.

5. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?

No one will officially back my status as a beer geek.

6. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

IPA and Carrot Cake.


The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?


2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

Something in the brewing industry. I’d like to be involved with brewing somehow.

3. Are you married? Children?

Yes. One daughter, 2 yrs old.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Sports, cooking, travel, movies, music but all of these seem to be decreasing with parenting. I’m completely not cool.


Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be an why?

A mild. I’m a beer at 12:30 kind of guy.

2. You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

Red Nectar. It reminds me of drinking beer on my deck with friends and BBQing when I was in college.

3. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you chose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

Pure cane sugar. Just to boost the ABV.

4. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

Is not having to work for a living a superpower?

5. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?

Looking back at it, getting behind the wheel after having drank too much. As a youngster, didn’t seem so bad. Now, it’s simply stupid and dangerous.

6. What are your thoughts on bacon?

It’s tasty.



http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mario-rubio/feed/ 1
Featured Beer Blogger: MARK DREDGE http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mark-dredge/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mark-dredge/#comments Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:36:15 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=2960 DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS:

The Beer Blogger Interview Series

Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do you want to share your story? Send me an email!


Beer Blogger Interview

Full name: Mark Dredge
Twitter handle: @markdredge
Name of blog: Pencil & Spoon
Current location: Tonbridge, Kent, England


Background “Snapshot”

1. Where did you grow up?

Chatham, Kent, with my parents and little sister.

2. What sports if any did you play growing up, through college and beyond?

Cricket. How very English. Played for my University team.

3. How old were you when you had your first beer?

First beer that wasn’t a sip was probably 13. I hated it.

4. If you can recall, what is the story of your first beer? Where did you have it? What style and brand was it?

No idea. Probably with my dad. A cheap, French lager, I guess. I hated the stuff and it took me years to appreciate it.

5. Where, if applicable, did you go to college? What did you study? What additional activities, organizations, sports did you partake in during college?

Royal Holloway, University of London for my undergraduate where I studied Media Arts. Then Roehampton University for a Masters in Creative Writing. I just played cricket at University and drank in London a lot.


Craft Beer Epiphany

Every craft beer enthusiast has at least one pinnacle craft beer experience that completely changes ones perspective on beer. I refer to this mind-blowing moment as a “craft beer epiphany.”

What was your first craft beer epiphany? Have you have additional craft beer epiphanies since the first? Detail as many of them as you wish:

There have been a few and recently they have snowballed as I’ve been able to drink more and better beer. The first was at a small, local beer festival in Chatham. I was with my dad and two best mates and I had a dark mild that just blew my mind. It was also one of the most fun nights I’ve had and I got closer to my dad as a result.

The next major epiphany was with Stone’s Ruination IPA. It was the best sensory drinking experience I’d had – the fruitiest, hoppiest, craziest beer and I instantly because addicted to the hop buzz and the drinkability of massive IPAs.

Since then it’s been more about people and sharing and the way that beer lovers come together and enjoy these rare and delicious beers and want to talk about them. I am constantly inspired by the interaction between people when it comes to beer.


Beer Blog Background

1. How long have you been writing your beer blog?

Since October 2008, although for a year before this it was a food website.

2. What inspired you to start writing your blog?

I just wanted to write every day – for me it’s about the writing, not just the beer.

3. Why did you choose the name of your blog?

It was originally about food (using my Pencil to write about the actions of my Spoon!) with some beer thrown in but the food quickly fell away as I got more interested in the liquid. I wish it was called Pencil & Pint now, but it’s too late for that, plus I’m kind of attached to the name now!

4. What are you personal goals for your blog? What do you hope to achieve with it?

A reputation as a good writer. I don’t expect to make money from it but I hope it will give me the opportunity to make money elsewhere and to write beyond the blog confines. Ultimately, it’s my online notepad to keep me writing and it allows me to communicate with other people and become a better writer. The real goal is to write a book about beer (fiction or nonfiction).

5. What is one of the coolest things that happened to you as a result of being a beer blogger?

Being named the British Guild of Beer Writers New Media Writer of the Year 2009!! I’m still on a high from that one.

6. What are you top 3 favorite beer blogs/beer websites?

Reluctant Scooper, Rate Beer (I like reading the forums and the rates) and Impy Malting


Beer Talk

1. What are your top 3 favorite beer styles?

Double IPA, barrel-aged imperial stout and pale session ale (hoppy and under 4% ABV)

2. What are your top 3 favorite breweries?

Thornbridge, BrewDog and Marble (representing the UK!)

3. If you could work with or for any one brewery, which one would it be and why?

Thornbridge. Just the coolest, nicest people to be around and I love their beer.

4. Are you a homebrewer? If yes, what is the most unique and interesting beer recipes you’ve brewed as a homebrewer?

Not yet a homebrewer. I’m sure the time will come though…

5. Do you have any beer certifications (BJCP, Cicerone, Siebel, American Brewers Guild)?? If so, what are they?


6. What is your favorite beer and food pairing?

The ones which are surprising and you don’t expect. Islay-barrel-aged IPA with lemon cheesecake, for example. Or just the simple ones – a cold IPA or lager with fresh seafood while sitting in the sun.


The Personal Side

1. What is your current day job?

Communications for a large College (I get to blog and tweet and get paid for it!).

2. If you could change your career at this very moment, without any restrictions on what you could do, what would you want to do and why?

I’d be a writer, earning money from what I love.

3. Are you married? Children?

I live with my girlfriend. No children. Looking after myself is hard enough.

4. Outside of beer and writing, what are some of your other hobbies?

Running, cooking, reading.


Off The Beaten Path

1. If you were a style of beer, what style would be and why?

Something English but with American influence. Something a bit different, a relaxed kind of beer for sipping or glugging, with a creative twist to it, made by hard working hands in the early morning. An English new-skool IPA, 7-7.5% ABV, with some blackberries or strawberries (picked at dawn from wild hedgerows) added to the boil or ferment. So I’d have a malty-caramel base with big hops, earthy but also fruity and juicy, bitter in the nicest possible way.

2. You were caught smuggling beer illegally, which has now been made punishable by death. Right before you are sent to the executioner, you are offered one last beer. What beer would you chose and why?

Chances are that I won’t be in a decent state of mind to appreciate a special beer but I’d go for BrewDog’s Zephyr. It’s big and strong yet subtle and fruity with strawberries and an amazing whisky barrel smoky sourness. I might not appreciate the taste but it’ll be an experience to go out on a high with.

3. If I contracted you to brew a beer (or design a beer recipe) called “The Beer Wench” — what style would you choose and what, if any, extra ingredients would you add?

‘Wench’ makes me think large glasses of frothing lager but I don’t think that’s right… I think a twist on the lager, maybe an imperial lager, 10%, super hoppy and vibrant. You still need to serve it by the litre in massive glasses.

4. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

We had a discussion on the way to the pub once about having a superpowered liver so that we could just drink and drink and drink… we ultimately decided that would suck as you’d never get drunk (and getting a bit drunk is part of the fun). I’d say teleportation. I’m impatient and I’d love to just think of a place and magic myself off there.

5. What is one of the craziest things you have ever done and lived to tell the story?

I try and avoid crazy…

6. What are your thoughts on bacon?

Lee Bacon is my best friend. Seriously. One of my best mates has Bacon as a surname.



http://drinkwiththewench.com/2010/01/featured-beer-blogger-mark-dredge/feed/ 0