Drink With The Wench » Valentine’s Day Beer http://drinkwiththewench.com Drinking through the world, one beer at a time. Mon, 02 Mar 2015 00:57:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.0.8 Valentine’s Day Beer Pairings http://drinkwiththewench.com/2012/02/valentines-day-beer-pairings/ http://drinkwiththewench.com/2012/02/valentines-day-beer-pairings/#comments Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:11:07 +0000 http://drinkwiththewench.com/?p=7916 Those of your who follow me on Twitter are probably aware of my infatuation and preoccupation with Whole Foods Market. What can I say?

As a daughter of an environmentalist and health food nut, I grew up supporting local agriculture and companies dedicated to producing ethical and healthy products. I was taught how to read labels and to always question the source and quality of everything that I put into my body. Luckily, I don’t have to do this at Whole Foods Market, since they have a strict non-GMO policy and are dedicated to selling high quality, ethical & artisan products.

As a beer professional, lover and geek, Whole Foods Market is, hands down, my go to store for craft beer. Regardless of what city I’m visiting, I can depend on the local WFM store to have a more than decent, if not amazing, craft beer selection. Not too mention, more and more WFM stores are popping up with tasting rooms inside. And if you are anything like me, addicted to the prepared foods section, visiting a Whole Foods taproom can easily turn into a few hour extravaganza!

Speaking of beer, food and my love of Whole Foods, I recently teamed up with John Schmidt, the beer specialist at WFM Folsom, and my videographer friend Chris Eldridge, to film a short video promoting a few Valentine’s Day beer pairing suggestions featuring products available in most WFM Norcal locations.

The video features two segments: a more classic, and romantic approach to Valentine’s Day — and then a more cynical, and snarky take on the holiday invented by greeting card companies. Regardless of whether or not you are spending today sharing a beer with a special loved one, or spending it lamenting loved ones past — hopefully one these pairing suggestions will work their way into your day!

Valentine’s Day Beer Pairings from Dridge on Vimeo.

Featured beers:
Bison Brewing Chocolate Stout
Russian River Temptation
Stone Brewing Co. Arrogant Bastard
Flying Dog Raging Bitch

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