Check out the Latest Articles:
  • Featured Beer Tweeter: TOMMY WERNER Featured Beer Tweeter: TOMMY WERNER
  • My Beer Theory: Official Video from the 2010 Beer Bloggers Conference My Beer Theory: Official Video from the 2010 Beer Bloggers Conference
  • Featured Beer Blogger: DANIEL “THE DUDE” Featured Beer Blogger: DANIEL “THE DUDE”
  • Barley Pop Interview With The Wench At CanFest Barley Pop Interview With The Wench At CanFest
  • Featured Beer Blogger: CHAD MCNEAL Featured Beer Blogger: CHAD MCNEAL
  • New Belgium and Allagash Brewing Create Vrienden, the BFF Beer for Life! New Belgium and Allagash Brewing Create Vrienden, the BFF Beer for Life!
  • Holiday Beer Gift Alert: Porcelain Ceramic Beer Glasses Holiday Beer Gift Alert: Porcelain Ceramic Beer Glasses
  • Bistro Jeanty + The Beer Wench Announce Napa’s First Beer vs. Wine Dinner Bistro Jeanty + The Beer Wench Announce Napa’s First Beer vs. Wine Dinner
Bistro Jeanty + The Beer Wench Announce Napa’s First Beer vs. Wine Dinner

Bistro Jeanty + The Beer Wench Announce Napa’s First Beer vs. Wine Dinner

Napa, CA – Wine dinners are plentiful in wine country. Beer dinners, on the other hand, rarely occur. And dinners with both beer and wine on the table are virtually non-existent. But not anymore.
This December [...]

Cooking With Beer: Smoked Porter Stuffed Peppers

Cooking With Beer: Smoked Porter Stuffed Peppers

It has been entirely way too long since I've posted a recipe that uses beer as an ingredient. Time to change that! Autumn is the time of year when...

The French Laundry: An Unexpected Craft Beer Experience in Wine Country

The French Laundry: An Unexpected Craft Beer Experience in Wine Country

For those of you that have been living under a rock this week and missed my writing debut on CraftBeer.Com, SHAME ON YOU! I was recently offered...

The Beer Wench Featured on NEW BREW THURSDAY

The Beer Wench Featured on NEW BREW THURSDAY

I hate to play favorites in the blogosphere. I would love to use the analogy of "Mama Wench" and say that picking a favorite blogger is like picking...

Featured Beer Blogger: DAVID PHILLIPS

Featured Beer Blogger: DAVID PHILLIPS

DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS: The Beer Blogger Interview Series Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer...

The Wench’s Drunken Shrimp Scampi

The Wench’s Drunken Shrimp Scampi

If you do not already follow my good friend @Chef_Jay on Twitter, well I highly recommend it. And if you are not on Twitter, well shame on you. In...

Brewer For A Day: IRON SPRINGS

Brewer For A Day: IRON SPRINGS

Although I have toured my fair share of breweries all over the country, until recently I had never actually observed the entire brewing process --...

Leafy Green Info Review: Dogfish Head

Leafy Green Info Review: Dogfish Head

Fellow beer blogger and my new friend, Mike Kivowitz of Bergenation and Leafy Green Info, recently went on a tour of Dogfish Head Brewery as well as...

SF BEER WEEK: February 11th Events

SF BEER WEEK: February 11th Events

Unfortunately, it took me entirely way to long to post about San Francisco Beer Week. And it is almost over. My bad. Curious about where I...

Bacon Peanut Butter Cup Beer Brownies

Bacon Peanut Butter Cup Beer Brownies

Truth be told, I have some sweet skills in the kitchen. Typically, I prefer cooking over baking. But every now and then, I do get the urge to throw...

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