Tag Archives : brookston beer bulletin

Session #44: Blogger Roundup 3

Sincere apologies to all the bloggers who participated for taking an extra day to compile the round-up. A weekend full of Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, craft beer and travel made any sort of Internet work almost impossible. Alas, let us move on. For two years now, beer bloggers have been partaking in a community exercise called […]

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Session #43: Welcoming the “New Kids” — Kern River Brewing Company 1

I’m embarrassed to admit that, although I have been aware of it for some time, I have not yet participated in “The Session” — a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday. It is the brainchild of beer blogging gurus Jay Brooks of Brookston Beer Bulletin and Stan Hieronymus of Appellation Beer. For over three years now, the dynamic […]

Featured Beer Blogger: JAY BROOKS 3

DRINK WITH THE WENCH PRESENTS: The Beer Blogger Interview Series Curious what goes on in the minds of your favorite beer bloggers? Well, The Beer Wench is and she has embarked upon a mission to interview as many beer bloggers that she can — from all over the world. Are you a beer blogger? Do […]
