Tag Archives : Samuel Adams

Interview With Sam Adams Beer Dinner CHEF 5

As you may recall, I recently had the honor of being flown to Charleston, SC to attend an all-expense-paid, super special beer dinner co-hosted by the Culinary Institute of Charleston and Samuel Adams. Prior to the actual event, I was sent the invitation above — which listed the various courses and pairings for the beer […]

The Wench “Interviews” Bob Cannon 11

This, my dear friends (and loyal subjects), is an extremely important landmark in the history of The Beer Wench blog. I am extremely honored and excited to present my first ever official Beer Wench video interview. And if that was not cool enough, the interview is with the head brewer from Sam Adams –the one, […]

Sam Adams Beer Dinner RECAP 11

This past week I had the honor of being flown to Charleston, SC to attend an all-expense-paid, super special beer dinner co-hosted by the Culinary Institute of Charleston and Samuel Adams. There were several highlights of the night –one of which included meeting and conversing with the phenomenal team of chefs from the Culinary Institute […]

Samuel Adams Charity Beer Dinner 10

Anyone who has ever remotely interacted with me knows that I possess (what we will call) the “gift of gab.” I talk a lot … and I mean a lot. This is partly because I think a lot … and partly because I think that I have a lot to say (whether or not what […]