Category Archives : EDUCATION

Happy 21st Amendment Day! Long Live Craft Beer! 1

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition in the United States! On December 5th 1933, Utah (ironic enough) was the final state to ratify the 21st Amendment, fulfilling the 1/3 majority vote needed for its passage. And thus, the 18th Amendment – banning the sale and manufacturing of alcohol – was repealed! […]

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Rose Bowl Header

2013 BCS Bowl Chip & Beer Pairing Challenge: Rose Bowl 4

In honor of the BCS Bowl Game Series, I partnered with Kettle Brand® to create 5 kick-ass craft beer & chip pairings for each of the major 5 bowl games. Here are my picks for the 2013 Rose Bowl.

Craft vs. Crafty: The Beer Consumer’s Right to Know 16

Many have taken it upon themselves to analyze, criticize and even reject the statement made by the Brewers Association. As someone with a vested interest in the Brewers Association, both personally and professionally, I would like to take a minute to discuss my own opinions on the statement.


Oktoberfest Ladies

Prost! 10 American O-Fest Beers Worth Trying 17

This Saturday kicks of the 179th Oktoberfest — the largest and, quite possibly, the most drunken party in the world. As with many regional designations in the alcohol world (Bourbon, Bordeaux, Trappist to name a few), the label “Oktoberfest” is reserved for only the beer produced within the city walls of Munich, Germany. Oktoberfest Beer […]