Category Archives : WENCH UNCENSORED

Happy 21st Amendment Day! Long Live Craft Beer! 1

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition in the United States! On December 5th 1933, Utah (ironic enough) was the final state to ratify the 21st Amendment, fulfilling the 1/3 majority vote needed for its passage. And thus, the 18th Amendment – banning the sale and manufacturing of alcohol – was repealed! […]

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My #GABF with AGA Marvel-ous 2

The craft beer industry is quite possibly the best industry in the world.  From vendors to distributors to brewers to the media–I am constantly blown away by the amount of kindness, generosity and love that is given and shared amongst our amazing community. Last week, I broke the very sad news to my friends and […]


Breweries, Keep Your Legal Battles OFF of Social Media 26

Well, it is quite apparent that SOME breweries did not attend the Social Media seminar during the 2013 Craft Brewers Conference—where we clearly and quite strongly advised AGAINST using social media to wage a war, legal or not, against another brewery. And if said breweries did attend the seminar, they obviously were not listening. So […]


FTW: Your Beer Drinking Speed via @StickyComics 1

True story: I love to Google random word combinations that involve beer. And by doing so, I stumble across some pretty awesome (and some not-so-awesome) things. The awesome discoveries I classify as an FTW — aka For The Win. Today’s FTW is a “sticky comic” that I found thanks to my friend Hennie (@HennArtOnline) on […]


FTW: Budnitz Titanium Beer Wrench 1

True story: I love to Google random word combinations that involve beer. And by doing so, I stumble across some pretty awesome (and some not-so-awesome) things. So I have decided that, from now on, I am going to start posting my awesome discoveries on Drink With The Wench in the category I am calling FTW […]
