Behind the Twitter Avatar Series
Are you curious about the men and women “hiding” behind Twitter avatar of the world’s most beloved craft breweries? Well, you are not alone. The Wench has gone behind the scenes to reveal and introduce you to the individuals who possess the ever coveted social media positions in the craft beer industry.
As you can probably imagine, running the social media for a craft brewery can be a tough job for any one person, especially since most of us are also juggling 5 million other hats at the same time. Many breweries already featured have more than one person working behind the Twitter avatar (heck, even I tweet for my boss from time to time). Ska Brewing has two rockstars rockin’ behind its avatar. Meet the two Davids
Behind the Twitter Avatar: @skabrewing
David Thibodeau
Brewery: Ska Brewing Co
Location: Durango, CO
Personal Twitter Handle: @SkaBrewDave
What is your “official” position with Ska Brewing?
President and Co-founder
What is your favorite beer from Ska Brewing?
It seems to always be changing, but right now I’ve got to agree with the judges at GABF (shameless, I know) and say that our milk stout, Steel Toe, is helping me to pack on the pounds for the winter!
What is your favorite beer and food pairing?
I’m hoping to do a little vegan beer pairing tour in some of our markets this next spring so I’ve been messing around a bit more than usual, and I really enjoy tying in the seasons. I just made a hearty root vegetable and barley stew when it started to finally get really cold the other night, and I had our Buster Nut Brown with it. Maybe not my all-time favorite, but it absolutely hit the spot!
If you were a style of beer, what would you be and why?
Light American lager because I’m pretty pale–kind of yellowish, almost jaundiced even. Maybe it is jaundice, my liver does kind of hurt. Also, I’m a vegetarian so I eat a lot of corn and rice. Oh, and I’m always hanging out with throngs of bikini-clad women.
And last but not least, what does craft beer mean to you?
I think about the people I work with, the friends I’ve met, the place I live—craft beer literally means everything to me.
Behind the Twitter Avatar: @skabrewing
David Welz
Brewery: Ska Brewing Co
Location: Durango, CO
Personal Twitter Handle: @davewelz
What is your “official” position with Ska Brewing?
I don’t really know. I guess Dave and I should talk about that. Maybe “PR guy.” I help Dave with marketing, PR, social media, design, and whatever he wants. But I won’t pick up his groceries or dry cleaning. He probably doesn’t have any dry cleaning anyway.
What is your favorite beer from Ska Brewing?
Modus Hoperandi is probably my favorite, but I like the seasonal turn from Mexican Logger in summer to Euphoria Pale in winter. I think life should be all about seasons. I’m also a sucker for a nitro-Steel Toe Stout on tap. You said favorite four beers right?
What is your favorite beer and food pairing?
Beer and cheese is a whole food world all by itself. A good brie turns True Blonde Dubbel into a completely different beer. Try that for breakfast during the holidays. Modus and a strong blue cheese. I love spicy Asian food with Modus.
If you were a style of beer, what would you be and why?
I’d want to be an IPA. Interesting but not overly challenging. Fun-loving and well-liked, with an acerbic edge. And I’m already chock full of hops.
And last but not least, what does craft beer mean to you?
I think craft beer sums up a certain approach to life that I want to have: to laugh and have a good time with people, to take risks and be a little adventurous, to favor quality over quantity, and to have a strong connection to the places where I live and spend time.
Fantastic beer, fantastic people, and fantastic tweets — gotta love everything about Ska Brewing Co! If you aren’t following these two amazing men (shame on you!), you better get on that… like now. Cheers!

November 28, 2011 at 9:18 am
Loved @SkaBrewing’s “Brew Minions” video. Great parody of Brew Masters.
December 3, 2011 at 10:17 am
[...] Drink With The Wench: Behind the Twitter Avatar: @skabrewing [...]