According to one of its founders, Jay Brooks of Brookston Beer Bulletin: “The Session, a.k.a. Beer Blogging Friday, is an opportunity once a month for beer bloggers from around the world to get together and write from their own unique perspective on a single topic. Each month, a different beer blogger hosts the Session, chooses [...]
78 years ago today, the Repeal of Prohibition in the United States was accomplished with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 5, 1933. (source: Wikipedia) A little over 100 years ago there were over 3,000 breweries in the United States, but then along came Prohibition. But the American [...]
Dear Molson Coors, I hate you. Sincerely, The Wench Frankly, I don’t even know where to begin. Two weeks ago, Molson Coors announced the release of a new line of beers specifically targeted towards women — a concept that not only angers and disgusts me, but is downright offensive. I first got wind of the [...]
Judging by the title of this blog post, one can correctly assume that The Wench is about to start a, somewhat alcohol induced, rant of the, always expected, very bitchy nature. A few people in my close personal circle have heard my incessant complaints about this subject for years, but I have held my tongue [...]
After a emotionally charged and mentally challenging week in the beer blogging realm, my psychological state of mind was, needless to say, a bit out of sorts. I forced to question the validity and relevance of my own personal brand and blog as well as reevaluate my purpose and my place in the industry. WHY [...]
If you are a self-respecting woman and, after reading this post, you still want to drink corporate beer. Well, then. I don’t know what to think. Today I read a post entitled: 26 Highly Suggestive Girl Beer Ads. The author notes: “Coming up with a marketing campaign for adult beverages isn’t very hard, yet they’re [...]
There are many reasons why I don’t read women’s lifestyle magazines. Most of them insult me in some sort of fashion as well as frustrate me to no end. Same goes for a lot of the men’s lifestyle magazines. The random studies and articles completely perplex me. For someone who studied statistics and social epidemiology, [...]
WARNING: The nature of this post is extremely subjective and controversial. It happens all the time. Celebrities, corporate tycoons and big brands are constantly trying to put their names on EV-ER-Y-THING. If something is hot, trendy and selling like hotcakes — then you can expect many dark horses in the shadows just waiting to take [...]
It is time to leave the dark side of corporate beer. Listen, I understand [more than most] that the economy sucks. Like most of the world, I cannot afford to squander my money. Heck, I don’t get a paycheck. My income is solely based on tips. I live week to week … if not day [...]